Essential Guide:  Immersive Audio Pt 2 - Immersive Audio Compatibility

May 30th 2019 - 12:30 PM
Paul MacDonald, Writer, Professional Broadcast Audio

Immersive audio has the great potential to transform our human listening experience, captivate our imagination, and inspire our inventiveness.

Part 2 of our Immersive Audio series investigates the standards and technology that delivers the immersive audio experience. From Dolby Atmos and AC-4 to MPEG-H and DTS-UHD, we uncover the technologies that make immersive audio tick.

Stefan Meltzer, Chief Business Development Manager at the Fraunhofer Institute discusses the intricacies of MPEG-H, outlines its benefits, and explains how broadcasters implement MPEG-H into their workflows.

Continuing from this deep technical dive, industry experts LawoSennheiser, and Genelec all explain their approach to immersive audio. Through a series of case studies and technical explanations, each company explains their solutions with real-world examples.

Sennheiser delivers an Ambiosonics Primer, detailing how this technology works and its implications for broadcasters. Specialist microphones and software processing are introduced, and their relevance explained.

Genelec provide and outstanding case study on the practical aspects of immersive audio infrastructure design with their case study at The Farm post-production house, London.

Lawo discusses the real-world applications of mixing immersive audio through their interview with Felix Krückels, professor for Broadcast Production and System Design at the University of Darmstadt.

This eBook Essential Guide is aimed at anybody who wants to gain a deeper understanding of Immersive Audio and its applications. This easy to understand, plain speaking Essential Guide is a must for anybody looking to improve their knowledge in this new and exciting audio genre.

Download this Essential Guide now to understand standards and compatibility in Immersive Audio. 

Part of a series supported by

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