We are here to serve you the reader, with informative content that helps you to do your work better. So if you have any constructive feedback on how the site works, what you like, or what you don’t like we welcome your comments.
The Editors are keen to hear your feedback as well as offers to contribute. We welcome and publish tutorial articles from writers, System Integrators, vendors and readers. In general, we publish three types of articles and we’ve prepared a brief set of writing guidelines for each.
Share your expertise with others. Pass on what you’ve learned to the younger and less experienced employees. In addition to becoming a famous writer, you might just get paid for your effort! If you have ideas please contact our Director Of Content, Dan Duffell to discuss them.
Editorial Questions?

Dan Duffell
Director Of Content
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Kathy Bienz
Business Development, Americas
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Tel: +1 757.692.3564
EMEA Sales
Contact the EMEA Business Development team.
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Tel: +44 (0) 7946 611 660
Publishing questions?
Contact the publisher

Richard Woolley
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+44 7946 611 660

Norman Rouse
Client Services Director
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Tel: +44 7766 524981
Invision House, Wilbury Way, Hitchin, Herts, SG4 0TY, UK.