Standards: Appendix O - ST 2110 Related Standards From Other Organisations

You may also deploy non-SMPTE standards such as AES, MPEG and others in your workflow architectural design.

This is an Appendix to our series of articles on Standards.

These non SMPTE standards should be consulted to provide supporting knowledge:

Org Standard Description Latest
AES AES-3 Serial transmission format for two-channel linearly represented digital audio data. 2009
AES AES-67 High-performance streaming audio-over-IP interoperability. 2018
IEEE IEEE-1588 Precision Time Protocol. 2008
IETF RFC 4175 RTP Payload Format for Uncompressed Video. 2005
IETF RFC 4421 RTP - Additional Colour Sampling Modes. 2006
JT-NM TR-1001-1 System Environment and Device Behaviours for SMPTE ST 2110 Media Nodes in Engineered Networks). 2020


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