Scalable Dynamic Software For Broadcasters - The Book

Scalable Dynamic Software For Broadcasters is a free 88 page eBook containing a collection of 12 articles which give a detailed explanation of the principles, terminology and technology required to leverage microservices based, software only broadcast production infrastructure.

IP has succeeded in abstracting away the media essence from the underlying transport stream, and in doing so is providing scalable and dynamic solutions that are facilitated through cloud technologies and software.

Although broadcasters have been using software for many years to process video and audio, it is only since the adoption of IP that software has been elevated to form a core component of the broadcaster’s infrastructure. Software defined services and networks all combine to deliver truly scalable and dynamic systems that can respond quickly and efficiently to the needs of the broadcaster’s business.

Software engineering has progressed massively in recent years and understanding modern delivery methods is equally important to understanding how systems operate. Gone are the huge monolithic software packages and incoming are the microservice apps through containerization to deliver highly efficient and scalable systems.

This book contains a series of twelve articles that look to explain how modern containerized software systems operate and why they are so powerful for broadcasters.

The free PDF download contains all 12 articles in this series - and all the articles are available as individual web pages:

Article 1 : Software Infrastructures
Scalable software using microservices is a key requirement for broadcasters if they are to take advantage of the flexibility and resilience that IP offers.

Article 2 : Microservices Explained
Microservices require a different mindset and comparing them to the historic monolithic code of the past makes the mindset shift more easily attainable.

Article 3 : Microservices, Containers & Orchestration
Microservices, along with containers and orchestration form an ecosystem that facilitates scalability, flexibility and resilience to deliver powerful workflows.

Article 4 : Virtualization vs. Containers
Microservices and containers deliver much greater flexibility than virtualization to deliver scalability and flexibility for broadcast workflow infrastructures.

Article 5 : Operating Systems & Containers
Containers provide an abstracted management system for microservices while facilitating specific libraries relating to generic operating systems.

Article 6 : Containers & Storage
Abstracting away the underlying hardware through microservices facilitates flexibility and scalability but this also has implications for high value storage.

Article 7 : Connecting Container & Microservice Apps
Microservice workflows are complex and require custom message exchanges between them to allow services to efficiently control and exchange data.

Article 8 : Building RESTful APIs
RESTful methodologies are providing users with a unified method of controlling and monitoring microservice applications to facilitate greater scalability.

Article 9 : Integrating On- & Off-prem Datacenters & Cloud
Scaling microservice architectures benefits from both on-prem and cloud infrastructures so that the services to meet peak demand are delivered in a few minutes.

Article 10 : Monitoring Usage & Improving Efficiency
Dynamic microservice architectures excel when advanced intelligent monitoring systems are employed to determine when services should be created and deleted.

Article 11 : Container Security
Understanding and employing robust cybersecurity measures is critical for protecting high-value media assets, especially in microservice architectures.

Article 12 : Continuous Delivery
Microservice architectures are more than an advance in technology, they also embrace new design and deliver methodologies that promote consistent change.

This article was made possible by the support of

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