JPEG XS ST2110 Capability Arrives On Lawo’s V__matrix Platform

A new virtual module app for its constantly evolving V__matrix platform has been launched by Lawo.

Based on the TicoXS codec (ISO/IEC2112-1-compliant), the vm_jpegXS app solves two customer goals: it provides comprehensive ST2110 compatibility for perfect interoperability, and it offers higher video compression ratios.

vm_jpegXS supports compression ratios between 5:1 and 36:1 and offers 4x encoding + 4x decoding from, and to, JPEG XS (ST2110-22). Uncompressed signals can be interfaced with SMPTE ST2110, ST 2022-6 or SDI. vm_jpegXS is a versatile audio and video tool with ample processing and glue functionality for V__matrix applications.

Built-in image-quality optimization modes include Peak S/N Ratio and Visual Optimization. SMPTE ST2022-7 seamless protection switching, ST2110-30/31 support for IP audio interfacing, and ST2110-40 compatibility for ancillary data as well as IP stream format conversion, and frame-accurate video switching using destination-timed clean and quiet switching (MBB and BBM) with audio V-fades are provided as standard.

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