GV AMPP And Singular.live Enable Graphics For Live Content Localization

Singular.live, a specialist cloud-native technology for live graphic overlays, and Grass Valley, technology provider for the live media and entertainment market, have announced a deeper integration of GV AMPP with Singular.live.

Grass Valley is growing GV AMPP’s ability to seamlessly localize content, and the deeper integration with Singular.live will enable the AMPP platform for virtualized media production tools to prepare graphics in advance, or on the fly, from within AMPP’s GV Live Producer Interface.

Using Singular’s On Device mode, graphics are rendered directly on the playback device. This means that graphics can have a different look and feel, or contain different information depending on the audience. By integrating with the media player, different graphics can be displayed by region, demographic, or preference.

As a platform for virtualized media production tools, GV AMPP allows media producers to create live content from anywhere and distribute it everywhere. GV AMPP greatly simplifies the process of localizing content for different regions, and different audiences.

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