Core Insights: Esports - A New Prescription For Broadcasting

July 28th 2021 - 09:30 AM
Tony Orme, Editor at The Broadcast Bridge

Moving to IP is allowing broadcasters to explore new working practices and mindsets. Esports has grown from IT disciplines and is moving to broadcast and has the potential to show new methods of working.

Demanding the highest levels of production and technical standards has allowed esports engineers to build massive video and audio streaming solutions. Broadcasters must look at these systems and learn from them if they are to further develop their own IP infrastructures.

This Core Insight, sponsored by TAG VS, looks at the business applications of esports and investigates the technical mindsets and solutions that deliver the highest technical and production standards.

Agile development is more than just a software delivery system. In the right hands, it can provide flexible systems that scale to meet the exact needs of the business, thus removing over-engineering and systems waste.

Download this Core Insight today if you are an engineer, technologist, or their manager, and you need to learn why esports is such an interesting discipline and why it is so exciting for broadcasters when adopting IP networks.

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