Standards: Appendix N - AMWA NMOS Documents

All of the AMWA NMOS documents are available free of charge at the AMWA web site. Download what you need.

This is an Appendix to our series of articles on Standards.

Interface Specifications (IS)

Interface Specifications 4,5 and 6 are deemed critical to the success of ST 2110. Note that IS-06 is now deprecated with no reason given. That may be because it depended on support in IP switches that was not widely available enough to allow it to control the low-level network traffic. There may be alternative solutions as part of the more generic IP networking support tools that are widely available.

Id Name Version
IS-04 Discovery & Registration. 1.3.2
IS-05 Device Connection Management. 1.1.2
IS-06 Network Control (Deprecated). 1.0.1
IS-07 Event & Tally. 1.0.1
IS-08 Audio Channel Mapping. 1.0.1
IS-09 System Parameters. 1.0.0
IS-10 Authorization. 1.0.0
IS-11 Stream Compatibility Management. 1.0.0
IS-12 Control Protocol. 1.0.0
IS-13 Annotation. In progress
IS-14 Device Configuration. In progress


Future work includes:

  • Flow Grouping.
  • ID & Timing.
  • Scalability.
Data Model Specifications (MS)
Id Name Version
MS-04 ID & Timing Model. 1.0.0
MS-05-01 NMOS Control Architecture. 1.0.0
MS-05-02 AMWA NMOS Control Framework. 1.0.0
MS-05-03 AMWA NMOS Control Block Specs. In progress


Best Common Practices (BCP)
Id Name Version
BCP-002-01 Natural Grouping. 1.0.0
BCP-002-02 Asset Distinguishing Information. 1.0.0
BCP-003-01 Secure Communications in NMOS Systems. 1.0.1
BCP-003-02 Authorization in NMOS Systems. 1.0.0
BCP-003-03 Certificate Provisioning in NMOS Systems. 1.0.0
BCP-004-01 Receiver Capabilities. 1.0.0
BCP-005-01 EDID to Receiver Capabilities Mapping. 1.0.0
BCP-006-01 NMOS With JPEG XS. 1.0.0
BCP-006-02 NMOS With H.264. In progress
BCP-006-03 NMOS With H.265. In progress
BCP-007-01 NMOS With NDI. In progress


Informative Documents (INFO)
Id Name Status
INFO-002 Security Implementation Guide. Completed
INFO-003 Sink Metadata Processing Architecture. In Progress
INFO-004 Implementation Guide for DNS-SD. Completed
INFO-005 Implementation Guide for NMOS Controllers. Completed
INFO-006 Implementation guide for NMOS Device Capabilities Control. Completed


Parameter Registers
Id Name
common General Procedures and Criteria.
capabilities Capabilities.
device-control-types Device Control Types.
device-types Device Types.
flow-attributes Flow Attributes.
formats Formats.
node-service-types Node Service Types.
sender-attributes Sender Attributes.
source-attributes Source Attributes.
tags Tags.
transports Transports.
transport-parameters Transport Parameters.


Control Feature Sets
Id Name
identification Identification.
monitoring Monitoring.


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