Standards: Appendix L - SMPTE ST Standards Related To ST 2110

ST 2110 does not stand in isolation but relies on many other related SMPTE standards.

This is an Appendix to our series of articles on Standards.

There are several types of documents available from SMPTE:

OV - Overview documents.
ST - Published standards.
RP - Recommended Practices that may be published as standards when they have been fully ratified.
RDD - Registered Disclosure Documents are published by an organisation to document a proprietary protocol. Often these are de-facto standards. They might be subject to registration or licensing arrangements.
EG - Engineering Guidelines that might become RP or ST documents later on.

SMPTE also publishes quarterly reports covering the most recent activity. These contain interesting notes about as yet unpublished standards documents.

Here is a list of the SMPTE standards released as parts of ST 2110 and the other related ST documents that support them. Refer to the SMPTE document repository for a complete list of their standards:

Document Description Latest
ST 125 SDTV Component Video Signal Coding 4:4:4 and 4:2:2 for 13.5 MHz and 18 MHz Systems. 2013
RP 214 Packing KLV Encoded Metadata and Data into SMPTE ST 291M Ancillary Data Packets. 2002
RP 223 Packing UMID and Program Identification Label Data into SMPTE ST 291M Ancillary Data Packets. 2003
ST 291-1 Ancillary Data Packet and Space Formatting. Used by ST 2110-40. See also ST 2038. 2011
RP 291-2 Ancillary Data — 4:2:2 SDTV and HDTV Component Systems and 4:2:2 2048 ×1080 Production Image Formats. Used by ST 2110-40. See also ST 2038. 2013
ST 302 Mapping of AES-3 Data into an MPEG-2 Transport Stream. 2007
ST 337 AES-3 packaging description. 2015
ST 338 AES-3 payload data types for ST 2110-31. 2016 + 2019 amd
ST 352 Payload Identification Codes for Serial Digital Interfaces (used by ST 2110-40) 2013
ST 2022-1 Forward Error Correction for Real-Time Video/Audio Transport Over IP Networks. 2007
ST 2022-2 Unidirectional Transport of Constant Bit-Rate MPEG-2 Transport Streams on IP Networks. 2007
ST 2022-3 Unidirectional Transport of Variable Bit-Rate MPEG-2 Transport Streams on IP Networks. 2019
ST 2022-4 Unidirectional Transport of Non-Piecewise Constant Variable Bit-Rate MPEG-2 Streams on IP Networks. 2011
ST 2022-5 Forward Error Correction for Transport of High Bit-Rate Media Signals over IP Networks (HBRMT). 2013
ST 2022-6 Transport of High Bit-Rate Media Signals over IP Networks (HBRMT). See VSF TR-04. 2012
ST 2022-7 Seamless Protection Switching of RTP Datagrams. 2019
ST 2022-8 Timing of ST 2022-6 Streams in ST 2110-10 Systems. 2019
ST 2038 Carriage of Ancillary Data Packets in an MPEG-2 Transport Stream. See ST 291. 2021
ST 2042-1 VC-2 Video Compression. 2022
ST 2042-2 VC-2 Level Definitions. 2017
RP 2042-3 VC-2 Conformance Specification. 2022
ST 2042-4 Mapping a VC-2 Stream into the MXF Generic Container. 2018
ST 2059-1 Generation and Alignment of Interface Signals to the SMPTE Epoch This may be patent encumbered. 2021
ST 2059-2 SMPTE Profile for Use of IEEE-1588 Precision Time Protocol in Professional Broadcast Applications. This may be patent encumbered. 2021
EG 2059-10 Introduction to the New Synchronization System (SMPTE ST 2059). 2023
RP 2059-15 YANG Data Model for ST 2059-2 PTP Device Monitoring in Professional Broadcast Applications. 2023
ST 2109 Format for Non-PCM Audio and Data in AES-3 — Audio Metadata. 2019
OV 2110-0 An overview of ST 2110. 2018
ST 2110-10 System Timing and Definitions. 2022
ST 2110-20 Uncompressed Active Video. 2022
ST 2110-21 Traffic Shaping and Network Delivery Timing. 2022
ST 2110-22 Constant Bit-Rate Compressed Video. 2022
RP 2110-23 Single Video Transport split over Multiple ST 2110-20 links. 2019
RP 2110-24 Special Considerations for Standard Definition Video Using SMPTE ST 2110-20. 2023
RP 2110-25 Measurement Practices. 2023
ST 2110-30 AES-67 PCM Digital Audio transport. 2017
ST 2110-31 AES-3 transparent transport. 2022
ST 2110-40 ST 291-1 SDI Ancillary Data transport. 2023
ST 2110-41 FMX - Extensible Fast Metadata Transport. In progress
ST 2110-42 FMX - Extensible Fast Metadata Formatting. In progress
ST 2110-43 Timed Text Mark-up Language for Captions and Subtitles. 2021
ST 2110-50 This is an older part of ST 2110 that has been assimilated into part 10. Deprecated
RDD 34 Sony LLVC compression codec functional description. 2015
RDD 35 IntoPIX TICO compression bitstream description. 2016


VC-2 is also known as Dirac and is designed as a royalty free codec.

Note that SMPTE has advised that there are some typographical errors in the 2023 edition of the ST 2110-40 document.

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