Rohde & Schwarz Demonstrates 5G Broadcast Is Ready For Revenue

Rohde & Schwarz will show visitors at Mobile World Congress 2024 (26 – 29 February, Fira Gran Via Barcelona) a complete ecosystem for the revolutionary 5G Broadcast standard, delivering valuable new revenue streams for broadcasters and network operators. The presentation will emphasize that the system is ready for rollout and will show the pathways to additional revenues.

5G Broadcast is a one-to-many transmission standard, part of the 3GPP specifications. It creates opportunities for both media and data transmission. It is an ideal way to broadcast live content to large numbers of mobile devices simultaneously, such as pop-up channels for sports and music events. Media broadcasts can be received on suitable mobile devices without a SIM card. The format also provides data broadcast, making it ideal for updating IoT devices or automotive applications.

Rohde & Schwarz has taken a significant role in its standardization, including working with ETSI JTC Broadcast and 5G-MAG, to ensure widespread acceptance of the technology. Thanks to this work, ITU has now endorsed 5G Broadcast as a next-generation DTT standard worldwide. The result is more agile use of the full UHF band, and a step towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future for the industry.

Following extensive real-world demonstrations and proofs of concept, the complete end-to-end solution is now in place and is rapidly attracting interest worldwide from network operators and content providers who see it as a route to new business opportunities and revenue streams.

Visitors to MWC will see presentations at the Rohde & Schwarz booth, and links to a live demonstration at the company’s headquarters in Munich. These will show how every element is in place, thanks to collaborations with other key players and the standardization bodies, and how the entire ecosystem is ready for immediate commercialization. 

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