Virtual Production For Broadcast: Part 2 - Production Planning, Virtual Worlds & Virtual Lighting

​Virtual Production For Broadcast is a major 12 article exploration of the technology and techniques of LED volume based virtual production approached with broadcast studio applications in mind. Part 2 examines production planning, designing virtual worlds and virtual lighting.

About 'Virtual Production For Broadcast'

This series covers the science and practical applications of all aspects of LED volume based virtual production and serves as a reference resource for broadcast technologists looking to expand their understanding, and consider ways to incorporate these new techniques into modern broadcast production facility design and workflow.

Virtual Production is rapidly becoming the workflow of choice in cinematic and episodic TV production. With large-scale multi-location productions there are potential cost benefits but it is the versatility, creative scope and the improved efficiency it can bring to production spaces, that are the compelling forces driving adoption.

The basic principles of back projection and greenscreen have been with us for decades and are already commonplace in TV production, especially in news and sports, but the creative versatility of LED volume based virtual production brings fundamental technical and creative differences. The technology and techniques of virtual production are also evolving very quickly and there is not yet a standard approach, with different teams establishing their own approach.

Virtual Production For Broadcast provides a deep exploration of the creative techniques, technology and workflow involved. It discusses what currently can and cannot be achieved, with a specific focus on the unique requirements of broadcast production.

It is essential reading for those evaluating incorporating virtual production technology into new studio design and exploring the creative benefits it can bring.

Virtual Production For Broadcast will publish in four parts during 2023. Details of all four parts can be found HERE.

About Part 2. Production Planning, Virtual Worlds & Virtual Lighting

Part 2 is a free PDF download containing 3 articles:

Article 1 : Requirements For The Well Planned Virtual Production
Virtual production brings new technologies and techniques so thorough planning and great team communication are key to achieving smooth production and the best results.

Article 2 : Designing The Virtual World
It is true that some of the key tools of virtual production are well-established in the world of computer entertainment, but the design constraints can be very different, demanding photorealism over smaller areas, as well as staging and layout that’s suitable for the proposed scene.

Article 3 : Lighting Tools For The Virtual World
When conventional VFX are produced, there’s often a real-world lighting reference available. That approach can be used in virtual production, but increasingly, the director of photography might want or need to have some pre-production involvement in the development of a virtual world. The job may be familiar, but the tools are likely to be new.

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