Essential Guide: Delivering High Availability Cloud

March 22nd 2023 - 09:00 AM
Tony Orme, Editor, The Broadcast Bridge

Delivering high availability cloud for broadcast production and transmission environments requires engineers to think in terms of resilience from the very beginning of the design.

Modern IT, DevOps, and agile working practices take a different approach to failure than the methodologies broadcast engineers have traditionally taken. It’s impossible to build any infrastructure that is 100% reliable and even more so in the complex workflow’s broadcasters are adopting in the cloud domain. By measuring the likelihood of failure, engineers are more likely to build systems that are reliable and resilient where it matters.

Also, measuring the availability of a cloud infrastructure and all the associated sub processes that operate on it allows broadcast managers to evaluate the viability of spending more money to increase resilience. Thus, enabling a data led approach that considers the commercial impact of improving the broadcast infrastructure.

Download this Essential Guide now. It has been written for technologists, broadcast engineers, their managers, and anybody looking to improve their knowledge of high availability cloud for broadcast IP infrastructures.

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