Essential Guide: Mass Audience Broadcasting To Mobile With 5G Broadcast

July 27th 2022 - 09:00 AM
Tony Orme, Editor, The Broadcast Bridge

Delivering high quality streamed live video to mass audiences is now possible with 5G broadcasting.

This Essential Guide written by Tony Orme, Editor at The Broadcast Bridge, explains the new 5G-NR cellular technology that has led to 5G broadcasting. This new technology reduces latency to levels not seen before with mobile devices and smart TVs and empowers broadcasters to deliver high quality 4K and 8K live streamed video to any size audience.

Internet streaming has given viewers a hint of what is achievable, but the high latency and variable quality limitations are well documented, especially as audiences grow. 5G broadcast supersedes these limitations and delivers the viewing experience users expect.

Sponsored by Rohde and Schwarz, this Essential Guide discusses the 5G-NR technology from the perspective of the broadcaster, media technologist, and their managers, and explains why and how 5G broadcasting delivers high quality video and audio to massive audiences.

Download this Essential Guide today.

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