BBC Sport’s Beijing 2022 Virtual Studio

BBC Sport is using a virtual set with graphics designed and controlled in Viz software in Salford to cover the Beijing Winter Games.

The Viz Engine offers native integration of the Unreal Engine and the Viz Arc control application is the only one on the market where you can seamlessly control aspects of both render pipelines – allowing the producer to focus on the story being told, not the specifics of how the graphics are rendered.

John Murphy, Creative Director and Head of Graphics for Sport at the BBC: “Prior to the summer, we converted a small studio space at Media City into a green screen area with a virtual design (by Jim Mann and Toby Kalitowski) and enhanced rendering technology to deliver an immersive, enhanced experience for audiences. The studio, with five different presenting positions that can house a variety of sports output, will be a key presentation location for BBC Sport this year, including the Winter Games for which we have added more design and development.”

Gerhard Lang, CTO for Vizrt: “2022 is not just the year of sport for the industry, but it’s the year of sport for Vizrt. We’re ramping up our offering across sports to support our customers in achieving their production needs; BBC Sport is a great example of that. We were honored to participate in last year’s celebration of the UEFA Euro 2020 championships and the long-awaited Summer Games, and for us, the BBC sets the standards in sports both in looks and functionality across the market.

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