​Frame.io Camera To Cloud Now Shipping

This workflow lets you shoot directly to the cloud, making files available anywhere in the world the moment cameras stop rolling. It’s included with all paid Frame.io plans at no additional cost.

There has always been a lengthy gap between getting footage from production into post-production. Film needed to be processed or digitized, tapes duplicated, drives backed up and media shipped in order for stakeholders to view work after production has wrapped. This could happen overnight or even take several days. Frame.io C2C solves this problem by closing the gap between production and post. It works by creating instant proxy uploads so producers, studios, agencies, and editorial can receive and monitor camera files within seconds of ending a shot—even while filming continues on set.

The Camera to Cloud workflow requires a Frame.io C2C-certified device connected to compatible cameras from ArriRED, and Panavision. Once authenticated, certified devices such as the Teradek CUBE 655 and Sound Devices 888 or Scorpio recorders record, encode, and send timecode-accurate H.264 proxy files with matching filename metadata directly to Frame.io via an encrypted and secure connection using LTE, 5G, or WiFi. This allows for near real-time delivery of editable proxy files to a producer, dailies facility, or editor anywhere in the world.

“Our successful beta period has shown us just how many productions are eager to embrace this new paradigm shift,” said Michael Cioni, Global SVP of Innovation. “We’ve completed extensive testing of C2C over the past eight weeks, and it’s clear that the cloud era for media creation is here. In the not too distant future, shooting proxies to the cloud will become standard practice.”

Emery Wells, CEO adds, “Camera to Cloud is the first of many innovations we’re working on to connect production to post. It’s the kind of change that seems bold today, but in a few years people will wonder how they created video any other way.”

Frame.io C2C features security with full TPN and SOC 2 Type 2 compliance. Created by the MPAA and CDSA, TPN is the global, industry-wide initiative that defines requirements and best practices for protecting content.

“Combined with rigorous access controls, Frame.io C2C is an incredibly safe way to share media with authorized viewers and collaborators,” Cioni stated.

A Frame.io C2C training series supports users, available from its website.

Manufacturers interested in building Frame.io C2C-certified software and hardware can also find details there.

Launch partners include Teradek: A Frame.io-authenticated CUBE 655 encoder delivers live streams and camera proxy files directly into Frame.io.

Sound Devices: the latest 888 and Scorpio recorders capture and transmit original audio files directly into Frame.io.

Colorfront’s Express Dailies integration with Frame.io allows labs to instantly access the video and audio assets to create dailies.

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