Cost-effective IP Contribution and Distribution October 1st 2018 - 03:00 PM

Saving dollars is one of the reasons broadcasters are moving to IP. Network speeds have now reached a level where real-time video and audio distribution is a realistic option. Taking this technology to another level, Rohde and Schwarz demonstrate in this eBook how to reduce costs even further and provide…

IP - A Golden Opportunity ? September 25th 2018 - 10:00 AM

Broadcast television has witnessed many advances in technology since the first electronic images were transmitted in the 1930’s, and none have been as influential or disruptive as IP. But are we now at the dawn of the perfect win-win outcome? Can manufacturers, entrepreneurs, and broadcasters all equally gain from IP m…

Documentarian Use of Film - Part 3 July 18th 2018 - 01:00 PM

Working with older storage technology, here we mean small gauge film, is a challenge requiring special techniques. In this concluding segment of a three-part series, we examine image quality differences that may result in when transferring Super 8 and 8mm film to video.

Can Content Create Itself? June 12th 2018 - 01:00 PM

A revolution in storytelling for TV, cinema, VR, and related forms of entertainment has just begun, enabled by artificial intelligence (AI). This computer-science and engineering-based technique, including machine learning, deep learning, language understanding, computer vision, and big data - is poised to dramatically shake-up both production and the form of…

VR and AR Come to Sports June 8th 2018 - 11:00 AM

There have been increasing experiments with bringing sports action to the home in Virtual Reality 3D. Not only does this add an extra dimension to the excitement, but it highlights the battle between the internet and traditional OTA delivery of entertainment.

Narrow-Gauge Film Use By Documentarians - Part 2 May 23rd 2018 - 09:00 AM

Content producers often prefer to shoot or record original content. Documentarians, on the other hand, typically must rely on material recorded by others that is often stored on film stock, Regular 8mm and Super 8mm being common formats. Working with older technology is a challenge requiring special techniques.

Narrow-Gauge Film Use by Documentarians - Part 1 April 9th 2018 - 11:00 AM

Content producers often prefer to shoot or record original content. Documentarians, on the other hand, typically must rely on material recorded by others that is often stored on film stock, Regular 8mm and Super 8mm being common formats. Working with older technology is a challenge requiring special techniques.