Making Cloud Systems Secure - Part 2 May 2nd 2023 - 09:00 AM

Correctly applied zero trust security methods stop intruders from entering networks and computing systems at all entry points within the infrastructure. And to help broadcasters understand security vulnerabilities further, organizations such as CVE are there to help.

Waves: Part 8 - Shock Waves April 26th 2023 - 10:00 AM

Shock waves are interesting phenomena that take place in a number of different media. For an arcane physical process, they have done quite well to be adopted by the mainstream media as one of their clichés, along with Mae West life jackets and aircraft black boxes (which are orange).

Serverless Computing: What, How, Why, When? April 24th 2023 - 09:30 AM

For many people the idea of “serverless” software applications might seem counter-intuitive, or even confusing. Software surely needs to run on some kind of computer system somewhere? Isn’t that always called a “server”? So what does it mean when we talk about serverless, how can this approach help us, and when …