Livepeer Studio Cuts The Cost Of Live Streaming And Transcoding By Up To 80%

Livepeer Studio unveils a revolutionary video streaming platform offering an unprecedented combination of quality and cost-efficiency to content creators, media and entertainment brands, enterprises, houses of worship, and a broader range of sports companies. Livepeer Studio enables providers to step away from using traditional cloud giants and tap into a decentralized network architecture, driving down video transcoding and delivery fees by up to 80 percent.

Content creators and media businesses have traditionally required the support of cloud providers and content delivery networks (CDN) to stream live video to global audiences across multiple devices. However, this results in high costs, making it difficult for innovative streaming companies to experiment and scale their operations while also achieving profitability.

Livepeer Studio enables content providers to take advantage of a secure, decentralized blockchain marketplace for transcoding and distributing live video, reducing costs and thereby democratizing access to high-quality streaming. This means that growing video businesses can cost-effectively build and scale innovative new streaming products at significantly lower financial risk. Meanwhile, established streaming companies that want to experiment with new engagement strategies, user-generated content, or gaming services can trial and launch offerings on the fly without incurring heavy video delivery costs.

Livepeer Studio is built on the robust foundation of the Livepeer Network, a unique, globally available open video infrastructure. The Livepeer Network incorporates thousands of participants who contribute computing resources toward transcoding and distributing video, ensuring high reliability and low latency delivery while reducing the total cost for content providers.

Supporting both WebRTC and HLS protocols within a single workflow, Livepeer Studio guarantees low-latency live streaming and real-time delivery, enables dynamic experiences, in-stream audience interaction, and supports advanced viewer engagement and performance analytics. Livepeer Studio’s intelligent transcoding capabilities scale to evolving requirements and optimize costs by adapting to viewer demand, while partner integration with distributed cloud storage provider Storj ensures secure and highly cost-efficient media storage. 

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