China Film Group Completes Huge Monitoring Upgrade With Genelec

China Film Group is a forward thinking production house that has consistently embraced new technology and never shied away from investing in the right equipment. The latest example of this has seen its Sound and Picture Production Center install 147 Genelec monitors across 28 recording studios, editing rooms and production studios.

China Film upgraded due to the increased importance that is placed on audio by consumers. “In film and television, sound is greater than visuals, where 'greater' refers to the spatial extension,” states China Film Sound Director, Wang Danrong. “Sound fills the entire space, while visuals are confined to the screen.”

This shift has placed different demands on the monitoring environment, with engineers placing more emphasis on precision and uniformity. “When evaluating a piece of equipment, we usually consider its technology, parameters, and more,” continues Wang Danrong. “Personally, I believe it's essential to look at the brand's history and its pursuit of sound. I find Genelec's pursuit of 'real' sound quite reliable.”

The staggering breadth of the project has seen China Film equip four 7.1.4 immersive rooms, twenty rooms with either 5.0 or 5.1 surround systems, and a further four stereo rooms – entirely with Genelec Smart Active Monitoring. Rooms 212, 311 and 312 all serve as 7.1.4 immersive pre-mix stages, while Room 412 is a dedicated Atmos mixing stage largely powered by 8361 three-way coaxial monitors from The Ones series – complemented by 8350 two-way models in the overhead positions, with a 7380 subwoofer handling the LFE content. All the studios in the complex have benefitted from system calibration via Genelec’s GLM software. 

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