AI-Media Launch LEXI Recorded - Its VOD Automated Captioning Solution

This groundbreaking product, created initially for a major sporting franchise, utilizes the cutting-edge AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology of AI-Media’s flagship LEXI product.

LEXI Recorded will address the ever-increasing demand for high volume, fast turnaround and easy captioning of recorded content, while ensuring high accuracy and cost-effectiveness. It is also capable of seamlessly integrating with a customer's media management system, to become an end-to-end media production workflow, and delivering a more efficient and hands off recorded captioning process.

Key features of LEXI Recorded include:

  • Speed and Efficiency: LEXI Recorded ensures the rapid turnaround of captioned files, enabling organizations to meet tight deadlines and deliver content promptly to their audiences. Files can be turned around, in a variety of formats, in as little as the length of the video.
  • High Accuracy: Powered by advanced AI technology, LEXI Recorded offers excellent accuracy at 98% NER, and even higher with the use of custom dictionaries or topic models.
  • Cost Efficiency: The automated nature of LEXI Recorded significantly reduces operational costs, providing a cost-effective solution for organizations of all sizes. From as little as $0.20USD per minute, LEXI Recorded has the potential to provide our customers with substantive cost savings over traditional human captioning of recorded content.
  • Flexible Integration Patterns for Diverse Workflows: Recognizing the diversity of production workflows, AI-Media offers flexible integration patterns, allowing organizations to tailor their integration with LEXI Recorded according to their unique needs. Options include API-based integration, shared folder-based integration, and custom integration, catering to organizations with varying software development capabilities.
  • API Integration for Seamless Workflows: At the core of LEXI Recorded's integration capabilities is AI-Media's Orders API. This developer-friendly API adheres to industry standards, including REST, JSON, API key, HTTPS, and TLS, making it easy to navigate and work with. The API also supports both AI-fulfilled LEXI Recorded and captioner-fulfilled Premium Recorded order types, ensuring a smooth transition between AI and human-based captioning without disruption.
  • Instant Language Translation: Submit orders with source audio in over 30 languages and receive either same-language captions or AI translated subtitles.
  • Flexible interface options: Choose between ad hoc use of the LEXI Recorded online portal or for high volume users; a bespoke, integration set-up to manage super-fast, low touch turnaround of content.
  • AI-Media also offers 24/7 global support backed by best-in-class engineering excellence.

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