The Big Guide To OTT: Part 5 - Assuring Viewer QoE

Part 5 of The Big Guide To OTT is a set of three articles which define what quality assurance looks like for OTT and the technical challenges for monitoring on the network side and client side.

About The Big Guide To OTT

The Big Guide To OTT is an eleven part series of Themed Content Collections that will publish during 2023. Each part tackles a different aspect of OTT. There are multiple articles per part delivered in a free PDF download.

As OTT delivery grows, driven by both consumer demand and content provider strategy, there are many adjustments to manage. They include new production approaches, scaling content distribution, personalising, protecting, and monetising content, and assuring audience QoE.

Content providers are delivering a mix of live, linear, and on-demand content. Business models are blending - subscription with advertising and direct-to-consumer with service aggregation. The internet-enabled OTT delivery model is driving the media industry through a giant transformation.

The Broadcast Bridge has been covering OTT since it began. The Big Guide To OTT re-visits and updates our extensive coverage of the subject.

Details of all eleven parts of The Big Guide To OTT can be found HERE.

About Part 5 - Assuring Viewer QoE

Part 5 is a free PDF download which contains three original articles:

Article 1 : Assuring QoE From The Network Side
What does quality assurance look like for OTT services, and how are network-side monitoring solutions supporting the continued drive towards excellent QoE (Quality of Experience)?

Article 2 : Monitoring From The Network Side
Examining the two types of network monitoring available to us, relative priorities for the points of measurement, and how the video platforms contributing to OTT services are evolving to support OTT quality at scale.

Article 3 : Understanding The Client-Side OTT CX
Client side monitoring not only helps detect problems but also allows broadcasters to anticipate if errors are about to occur for their OTT streams.

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