Nilento Studios Goes Immersive With Genelec’s ‘The Ones’

Founded by Lars Nilsson, Nilento Studios was created to be an ultra-flexible space that can adapt to the broad requirements of its customers. The latest example of this philosophy is the addition of Atmos recording with a new setup relying heavily on Genelec’s The Ones three-way coaxial studio monitors.

Nilento’s studio space offers changeable acoustics; its main live room can be converted into four smaller rooms, including two Iso Booths, to give a total of six recording spaces. This enables it to transform from a big-band environment into a room suitable for a choir, a piano trio or a soloist.

Nilento also has three separate control rooms to provide even more options; one is an analogue room outfitted with a stereo pair of Genelec 1030monitors, while another is a digital recording room with a stereo pair of 1031s. The main control room is something else entirely. Designed for mixing full Dolby Atmos, the room features a Genelec 7.1.4 Smart Active Monitoring system calibrated with GLM software.

Nilsson’s main control room doesn’t feature a large mixing console, and the heart of his system is a Pro Tools MTRX interface with a range of I/O across multiple formats. The monitoring setup comprises eleven of the 8341three-way coaxial monitors, plus a 7370 subwoofer.

Nilsson’s approach to mixing in Atmos is to place individual instruments in different spaces as objects, which he says creates a much more emotional connection to the music. “I knew Atmos was a format I wanted to work in because I’ve produced a lot in 5.1 surround and I always missed the height element. Because I work a lot with classical music I often record in churches and big halls, so I’ve always searched for more depth in my mixes. Atmos is a totally natural solution because the depth is already in there.

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