Essential Guide: Using Configurable FPGA’s For Integrated Flexibility, Scalability, And Resilience

January 11th 2023 - 09:00 AM
Tony Orme, Editor, The Broadcast Bridge

Advances in hardware design have made software programmable FPGA arrays an excellent way to combine the resilience and power of hardware processing with the flexibility of software programmability.

This Essential Guide discusses the alternatives to pure on-prem and public cloud systems. Although COTS infrastructures are providing unprecedented opportunities, they do not suit every broadcaster. Adopting low complexity is often cited as a reason to maintain their SDI and AES infrastructures but their lack of flexibility is making keeping them a difficult choice, especially as broadcasters need to dynamically scale resource to meet the demands of their viewers.

A new breed of flexible hardware is now available that not only delivers predictably low latency but when combined with software management, seamlessly exchanges media on SDI and IP transport streams to deliver flexibility, scalability, and resilience. Based on arrays of FPGA resource, broadcasters can drag-and-drop functionality to dynamically program the hardware and scale resource as required.

This Essential Guide has been written for technologists, broadcast engineers, their managers, and anybody looking to seamlessly interface SDI, AES and IP workflows.

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