Straight Arrow News Launches With Clear-Com’s IP Solutions

Straight Arrow News, a digital news start-up based in Omaha, Nebraska, is dedicated to providing an unbiased approach to its reporting. The recently launched website is having no trouble making that happen efficiently with Clear-Com wireless intercom systems.

Straight Arrow News is using the Clear-Com Eclipse HX Digital Matrix System, LQ Series of IP Interfaces and the Agent-IC Mobile App as its new programming schedules and production workflows continue to develop.

The production team is initially focused on pre-recorded segments such as studio shoots with its anchors and morning news updates, all produced through their main facility and control room in Omaha. Later in 2022, Straight Arrow expects to significantly expand its workload, adding live shows, remote productions and streaming to Facebook Live and other online platforms.

As they progress along that path, the team is confident in their Clear-Com systems’ ability to expand with them.

Straight Arrow has installed a Clear-Com Eclipse HX system, drawn to its ability to interface with any 2-wire, 4-wire, IP (Dante, AES67, native) and wireless communication device. They also included an LQ device to ensure future system expansion as well as enhanced communications with SIP telephony and mobile apps, such as Agent-IC.

For now, the Eclipse HX system is mainly used for in-studio productions, handling the communications among the control room and three camera positions within the Omaha location. The team also uses the system for mix-minus feeds to and from its news bureaus in New York and Washington, DC, where the morning show interviews are recorded.

The next phase of Straight Arrow’s growth includes more live programming, which will give the team an opportunity to put the Agent-IC mobile app to use. Agent-IC is a cost-effective, easy-to-deploy solution that allows the core intercom system—in this case Eclipse HX—to be accessible from anywhere on a user’s smart device over 3G, 4G, 5G, LTE or Wi-Fi.

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