Avid Debuts NEXIS | EDGE

Avid NEXIS | EDGE empowers video editors to work concurrently on the same video content, sharing metadata and media from anywhere.

The software integrates directly with Media Composer | Enterprise, enabling centralized, role-based administration. Administrators can control access to content and editing tools. Project and bin metadata can be shared by editors. Media content can be automatically converted to lightweight streaming formats, enabling real time remote editing over standard internet connections. Media can also be downloaded remotely by editors for disconnected operation.

Editors using Adobe Premiere Pro can also access Avid NEXIS | EDGE with the Premiere Pro Editing Connector.

“As content creation teams continue to adapt to the realities of the global pandemic, they are looking for ways to connect and collaborate, without having to be co-located within facilities,” said David Colantuoni, vp of Product Management. With Avid NEXIS | EDGE, post production teams can easily collaborate from anywhere, tapping into the proven Avid workflows that have only been available on premises up until now. And, for the thousands of Avid NEXIS systems installed worldwide, adding these powerful, new workflow capabilities is easy – just deploy Avid NEXIS | EDGE software and you are off and running.”

Professionals can continue to work with the tools they are used to, while connecting from anywhere. Avid NEXIS | EDGE provides seamless integration with Media Composer, Premiere Pro, and NEXIS shared storage, which now includes a new NEXIS Client Manager that supports connection via secure VPN over Wi-Fi and WAN networks.

The software’s capabilities will be included with subscriptions to Media Composer | Enterprise. The Avid NEXIS | EDGE Web Client and Premiere Pro Editing Connector will be available as a subscription. 

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