Black Box Offers Free Cybersecurity Preparedness Clinics

Black Box, a solutions integrator, says its Black Box Cyber Defense Clinic is a series of free workshops to address cybersecurity preparedness.
The clinics will teach IT and security professionals how to conduct incident response using their own IT teams and deploy tools if or when their network is compromised.
Each of the sessions includes a 30-minute discussion to set the context, 2 hours of hands-on lab training, and 30 minutes of Q&A discussion. Each clinic is designed to stand on its own and does not require attendance at previous sessions. However, attending all three clinics allows pros to go deeper into cyber defense training.
IT and security professionals who are interested in these clinics may register and sign up for notifications at Black Box’ website. They are on 14 Oct, 18 Nov and 16 Dec.
Smash & Grab
All cyberattacks first start with reconnaissance. The threat agent learns about the network and how it is designed and looks for vulnerabilities that make it possible to execute a compromise and move horizontally in the network. In this three-part interactive event, Black Box experts will help IT pros assume the role of a hacker and understand recon and front-door attack methodologies.
Ransomware & Insider Threat
The Smash & Grab clinic explained how to find vulnerabilities in the network. In this clinic attendees will learn how to exploit those vulnerabilities. They’ll find out how ransomware works by executing an attack in a lab environment, and they’ll act as an evil insider to perform a data breach by exfiltrating data.
Access Control and Centralized Defense
Now that attendees have compromised hosts and exfiltrated data, it is time to perform at the policy level by applying network access control and centralized event monitoring. Attendees will discover the keys to responding to a cyber incident by controlling access to network resources and monitoring event data using Splunk to look out for malicious threats.
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