Core Insights: Internet Contribution For Broadcasters

June 16th 2021 - 09:30 AM
Tony Orme, Editor at The Broadcast Bridge

What is the internet? Who is the internet? Where is the internet? These are the first three questions on the tip of every engineers and technologist’s lips. Before we can ever possibly hope to work with internet technology, we must be able to answer these three basic questions.

Understanding that the internet is not a single entity or something that can be easily mapped out is the first step in establishing how broadcasters can benefit from this international public IP network.

Due to the dynamic nature of the network and commercially sensitive agreements of the vendors and service providers that make up the internet, it’s almost impossible to map it and provide a meaningful system diagram. It is possible to draw broad brush diagrams but establishing a detailed schematic is not a practical proposition.

This Core Insight, sponsored by Telstra, describes the key components that make the internet work and why it is so complex.

Download this Core Insight today if you are an engineer, technologist, or their manager and you need to understand how to reliably leverage the internet for specific broadcast applications.

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