Core Insights: Improving Headset Comms At Extreme Events

May 5th 2021 - 09:30 AM
Tony Orme, Editor, The Broadcast Bridge

Without intercom, a live broadcast production would soon degenerate into chaos. A whole industry has been built on the protocols intercom users have adopted and everybody involved in the production must be able to hear the director’s instructions, clearly and concisely.

Working in extreme events opens a whole multitude of challenges for members of the crew listening to the intercom. Car racing, rock concerts and large arena sports events are some of the occasions where background noise can make the intercom difficult to hear.

Noise cancelling headsets go some way to providing better audio separation, but this is only part of the story as we must consider ergonomics and comfort so crew members can focus on shooting the best pictures possible and record the highest quality sound.

This Core Insight, sponsored by Bose, discusses how headset technology has advanced to provide a complete solution for intercom operation in extreme events.

Download this Core Insight today if you need to learn about improving intercom communication clarity in large scale extreme events. 

This Core Insight has been produced for operators, engineers, their managers, and anybody looking to improve their intercom in noisy and hostile environments.

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