Essential Guide: Software IP Enabling Storytelling

March 17th 2021 - 09:30 AM
Tony Orme, Editor, The Broadcast Bridge

Television is still a niche industry, but nonetheless, one of the most powerful story telling mediums in existence. Whether reporting news events, delivering educational seminars, or product reviews, television still outperforms all other mediums in terms of its ability to communicate to mass audiences.

It’s often easy to get so bogged down in the technical detail we forget about the problem we’re trying to solve for users and production teams. But with the flexibility and scalability that software delivers, a whole new way of working has now become available.

Making technology accessible to wider audiences is often easier said than done as the complexity of broadcast systems and workflows has meant that it’s operation and configuration has relied on specialist knowledge. However, as technology develops software is democratizing television, making facilities available to a much wider audience of story tellers and producers.

This Essential Guide, with sponsored perspective from Vizrt, discusses how software infrastructures are enabling the simplification of systems to help production teams tell their stories and engage better with viewers.

Download this Essential Guide now if you are an engineer, technologist or their managers and you want to better understand how software operates in a broadcast environment and help a wider group of production teams engage with their viewers.

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