Core Insights: Agile Adaptive Monitoring For OTT

December 16th 2020 - 09:00 AM
Michael Grotticelli

​With viewers demanding to watch what they want, where they want, and how they want, it’s not surprising we’re seeing an unprecedented growth in broadcaster OTT requirements. However, the change in delivery format from traditional broadcasting is providing us with some interesting challenges.

This Core Insight, written by Michael Grotticelli from The Broadcast Bridge, looks at both the business and technical aspects of OTT monitoring and discusses how they work in real life operations.

Sponsored by TAG VS, this Core Insight provides information from leading experts who have developed and built adaptive monitoring systems for OTT so you can learn the key challenges and how to overcome them.

Download this Core Insight today if you want to understand why monitoring has changed for broadcasters working in the OTT domain and why you need to build agile adaptive monitoring for your broadcast operation.

Aimed at managers, business analysts and technologists looking to expand their knowledge of adaptive OTT monitoring, this Core Insight provides practical information and advice from the teams who have made these systems work.

Download this Core Insight today.

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