Appear has been chosen by Grupo RBS, one of the largest media conglomerates in Brazil, to deploy Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) primary distribution solutions, so that it can centralise MCR and playout functionality at a single site.
HDR can make choices easier - or harder - at every stage of production but the biggest challenge may be just how subjective those choices are.
NAT will operate without IPsec and vice versa, but making them work together is a fundamental challenge that needs detailed configuration and understanding.
The first article in this series explained how content owners are pivoting towards a new way to manage their rights and monetize their content, known as Interactive Rights. This is driven by the new ‘Converged Entertainment Paradigm’ of the Streaming Era, which combines content with gamification and social interaction to attract the modern viewer with a new value exchange. The blend of new technology and detailed business rules that together underpin Interactive Rights is designed to help brands and broadcasters to better monetize content.
As we head into another new year it seems ok to indulge in some obvious speculation about what the future may bring. Here we consider the proposition that eventually, and probably not far into the future, broadcasters will have to deal with immersiveness. Why is this likely, and how should we approach it?
Most microphones need a diaphragm in order to follow some aspect of the air motion that carries the sound.
When IP was first envisaged back in the 1970s, just over 4 billion unique IP addresses were allocated. However, the overwhelming international adoption of the internet with a world population of nearly 8 billion people has demonstrated there are simply not enough IP addresses to go around.
Carriage of timed-text must be closely synchronized to the AV stream to ensure it is presented in a timely manner so here we describe the standards that enable this for both broadcast and internet delivery.