DOPs & Post Production: Is This Our New Livelihood? September 7th 2020 - 09:00 AM

Before pandemics and the downsizing at traditional, broadcast news operations, many news and non-fiction DOPs were already assuming a significant role in post-production. Whereas frame rates, f-stops, and the character of our lenses, once formed the backbone of our expertise and practice, DOPs in the non-theatrical realm increasingly find ourselves…

Sports Re-Starts Without Fans And The Virtual Crowd Goes Wild July 2nd 2020 - 09:00 AM

In mid-May of this year, as countries such as Germany, England, and Spain considered easing COVID-19 restrictions to allow professional sports to resume, various professional sports leagues began discussions with broadcasters and production companies on the best way to televise games without fans in the seats. They’re called “ghost gam…

WFH: Baby Steps And Lasting Legacy April 17th 2020 - 09:00 AM

Until very recently, the idea that editors and VFX artists could work remotely from one another seemed a far-off reality. Yet, Work From Home measures mean media companies have had to pivot overnight to a remote work setup. Content creation may never be the same again.

Critical Timing And Happy Accidents April 9th 2020 - 01:00 PM

Sometimes to understand the big picture of modern television broadcasting, it is helpful to understand its history. After the medium’s live formative years, it was the use of video tape beginning in about 1958 that permanently changed television production forever.