IP - A Golden Opportunity ? September 25th 2018 - 10:00 AM

Broadcast television has witnessed many advances in technology since the first electronic images were transmitted in the 1930’s, and none have been as influential or disruptive as IP. But are we now at the dawn of the perfect win-win outcome? Can manufacturers, entrepreneurs, and broadcasters all equally gain from IP m…

Live IP Delivery - Part 2 - OTT Technology September 13th 2018 - 11:30 AM

In part-1 of this series, Challenges, we introduced the basic concepts of the technology behind live OTT delivery. In this article, we dig deeper to help broadcast engineers and technical managers understand the intricacies of HTTP and IP technology, so they will be able to design and support OTT systems…

IP - The Final Frontier 2 - Solutions September 13th 2018 - 09:30 AM

Many broadcasters are seeing the benefits of IP and progressing ever closer to migration. But making IP systems work and achieving the COTS benefits CEO’s demand involves more than just understanding the technology. In this article, we look at the migration from the perspective of the engineers who are m…

Reality of IP - Part 3 - Data Acceleration September 7th 2018 - 11:00 AM

Network Interface Cards (NIC’s) are often seen as the bottleneck of data processing for ST2110 and ST2022-6. IT manufacturers have witnessed similar challenges with high speed trading and 5G networks but have been able to provide real-time solutions to overcome latency and blocking. In this article, we investigate I…

Live IP Delivery - Part 1 - Challenges August 31st 2018 - 08:00 AM

Delivering live, high quality broadcast video over the internet has always been an interesting challenge. Broadcast engineers are expected to understand and manage complex video, networking, scale, reliance, and playback to deliver reliable programming to multi-platform viewing devices. In this series of articles, we delve deeper into live-OTT broadcasting, identify…

Reality of IP - Part 1 - Real Time August 30th 2018 - 03:00 PM

Live broadcast television was once considered to be unique as every bit of data had to be delivered to the viewers television set in real-time. However, as IT continues to leverage its influence on television, we discover the uniqueness of broadcasting isn’t as exclusive as we may have once t…

IP - The Final Frontier 1 - Security August 30th 2018 - 01:50 PM

With any technology project, engineers run at break neck speed to achieve tight deadlines at ever decreasing costs. But security is a new aspect anybody migrating to IP must consider from the out-set. In this article, we investigate security, what it means, and most importantly, who is responsible for it.