Microservices For Broadcasters - Part 1 May 11th 2021 - 09:00 AM

Computer systems are driving forward broadcast innovation and the introduction of microservices is having a major impact on the way we think about software. This not only delivers improved productivity through more efficient workflow solutions for broadcasters, but also helps vendors to work more effectively to further improve the broadcaster…

Navigating A Way Forward, Remotely May 5th 2021 - 09:00 AM

The concept of working from home was trending long before public health issues caused most of us to contribute remotely, but the past year has seen an acceleration no one could have predicted. What those in the media industry quickly learned is that it’s not that easy to take y…

Production In The Age Of Media Choice January 19th 2021 - 09:00 AM

The way consumers engage with content is constantly shifting and at a faster pace than ever before, leaving the television industry playing catch up. Broadcasters, production companies and content producers around the globe are seeing the complexities in production and distribution soaring, increasing costs with lower revenue per asset. At…

Tech + Media Predictions 2021 - Part 1 January 4th 2021 - 09:00 AM

The industry experienced futureshock head-on in 2020. The impact will take a long time to unwind but it’s already clear that some changes will be profound and not all of them bad. These changes include remote workflow permanency, virtual production shifts from exotic to routine and genuine efforts to save t…