Creating a Signature Sound for Any Recording May 14th 2019 - 11:00 AM

It is well known in music recording that great records have a unique signature sound. Engineers acquire a variety of classic audio gear and select the right combination to create a unique sounding recording. But any audio recording can have a signature sound — from simple voiceovers, news reports, podcasts to d…

How To Monetize a Podcast May 8th 2019 - 10:00 AM

Podcasts are extraordinarily popular these days because so many people see a huge profit potential from programming that’s considered cheap and easy to produce. Of course, that’s just an uneducated and false perception. To create a successful podcast requires a level of sustained preparation and creativity that few a…

The New Golden Age of Miniaturization May 3rd 2019 - 09:00 AM

Two years ago, I put a complete iPhone video production package into a single shoulder bag. This week, I eliminated the shoulder bag, creating an even better 4K shooting package that is virtually weightless. We are indeed in a new golden age of miniaturization.

How Do Microphone Preamps Differ? April 5th 2019 - 11:00 AM

Once they are purchased, most audio engineers don’t think much about microphone preamps. However, mic preamps are a crucial link in the audio chain. The device’s main job is to keep input noise to a minimum and to amplify the microphone without distortion. But there is far more to …

What Makes a Podcast Studio Unique? April 2nd 2019 - 10:00 AM

Currently, there are over 660,000 different podcasts produced throughout the world. Over 28 million episodes are available in more than 100 languages. More than 50 percent of U.S. homes listen to podcasts regularly and most listeners average seven different shows each week. For a medium that has existed less than 25 years, those numbers…