System Reliability for Broadcast-over-IP applications November 29th 2016 - 05:00 PM

From headend to backend, passing through contribution and distribution networks, IP is now almost everywhere in broadcast infrastructure, with its use only increasing. On the production and playout side of the business that’s also now set to dramatically increase. This is due to the flexibility of IP-based systems, their r…

The Next Step For IP Transmission November 1st 2016 - 01:50 PM

While the debate surrounding the need for a complete migration from handling video (and audio) as a baseband SDI signal to IP continues, manufacturers of bonded cellular video transmitters say they got the transition started with their camera-mounted systems and are committed to helping their customers move past acquisition and…

The Business Case for IP September 20th 2016 - 08:00 AM

Broadcast television is undergoing a tectonic revolution from artisanal service provider to industrial scale producer. As the industry moves to its mature phase business owners require a highly efficient production line approach that is scalable, agile and cost predictable, allowing creative production teams to deliver better programming and viewer experiences. …