We Need Perfect Lenses After All April 2nd 2020 - 01:00 PM

Veteran cinematographers and DOPs have long understood that lenses have a personality with a specific look and feel. In the same way that an actor imparts his or her interpretation on a film’s story, the DOP selects a lens that best supports the program’s emotional stakes. The ideal cam…

The NAB That Wasn’t March 30th 2020 - 09:00 AM

Due to the medical emergency the country now finds itself in, this year’s NAB Show in Las Vegas was postponed to later this year. If it had happened, the main themes of artificial intelligence (AI), high dynamic range (HDR) acquisition and remote production would have all been front and c…

Despite Rise Of IP, SDI Is Alive And Well March 27th 2020 - 09:00 AM

With the emergence of Internet Protocol (IP) topologies onto the production and distribution scene over the past few years, many have predicted the looming demise of traditional serial digital interface (SDI) infrastructures, saying they are too limited and regressive to satisfy today’s IT-centric operational requirements.

Audio Levels - Part 1 March 23rd 2020 - 01:00 PM

Superficially, level seems to be a simple subject: just a reading on a meter. In practice, there’s a lot more to it. Level matters because if it is wrong, sound quality can suffer, things can get damaged or cause interference and listeners complain because they have to keep adjusting…