BEITC 24 Report: Worldwide 5G TV Update June 17th 2024 - 09:30 AM

The appetite for broadcast content over mobile devices has reached several important milestones, providing more opportunities for the latest versions of ATSC and DVB content to be distributed as cellular data without a SIM card or a cellular subscription. The irony is that only a handful of experimental mobile devices…

BEITC 24 Report: RF Fault Monitoring Beyond VSWR May 30th 2024 - 06:07 PM

State-of-the-art VSWR measurement and monitoring of broadcast transmission infrastructure is limited to in-band reflected power and typically incapable of detecting matched arcs. Finding and isolating the source of intermittent arcing and other tricky RF issues has recently become significantly easier.

Wi-Fi Gets Wider With Wi-Fi 7 March 26th 2024 - 09:30 AM

The last 56k dialup modem I bought in 1998 cost more than double the price of a 28k modem, and the double bandwidth was worth the extra money. New Wi-Fi 7 devices are similarly premium-priced because early adaptation of leading-edge new technology is nearly always expensive. The 6 GHz Wi-Fi band was introduced…