Audio Over IP - Making It Work - Part 3 June 7th 2018 - 11:00 AM

Multicasting is an incredibly powerful tool used in broadcast infrastructures to efficiently distribute streams of audio, video, and metadata. In this article, we look at the advantages of multicasting, how it works, and the alternatives that overcome some of its operational limitations.

BCE Going Deeper - Part 3 - Debugging IP June 5th 2018 - 10:00 AM

At the start of 2013, BCE at RTL City was a hole in Luxembourg’s ground and in less than four years they were on air broadcasting 35 different channels across Europe and Singapore. Costas Colombus is BCE’s Technology Projects and Support Director and gave The Broadcast Bridge a unique insight int…

Broadcast For IT - Part 9 - Color Space June 4th 2018 - 12:05 PM

In this series of articles, we will explain broadcasting for IT engineers. Television is an illusion, there are no moving pictures and todays broadcast formats are heavily dependent on decisions engineers made in the 1930’s and 1940’s, and in this article, we look at color space and its relevance to bro…

Audio Over IP - Making It Work - Part 1 May 17th 2018 - 11:00 AM

Building and operating IP networks is much more than just about saving money on infrastructure costs. Its success is deeply rooted in the ease of flexibility, scalability, and inter-connectivity that it can provide. And one of the greatest benefits of IP is that the protocol and underlying hardware is independent…