Wi-Fi Gets Wider With Wi-Fi 7 March 26th 2024 - 09:30 AM

The last 56k dialup modem I bought in 1998 cost more than double the price of a 28k modem, and the double bandwidth was worth the extra money. New Wi-Fi 7 devices are similarly premium-priced because early adaptation of leading-edge new technology is nearly always expensive. The 6 GHz Wi-Fi band was introduced…

A Board’s Eye View Of The Future Of US Broadcast February 14th 2024 - 09:30 AM

It’s difficult for local stations generally focused on earning positive numbers during the next sweeps to invest much time contemplating station technology needs five to ten years out. This story explores what new direction TV broadcasting could go, from the perspective of someone who controls budgets and strategic direction y…

Super Bowl LVIII Set To Impress February 8th 2024 - 09:00 AM

This years’ Super Bowl LVIII live telecast on CBS Sports will be mainly supported by broadcast and media services company NEP, which is sending more than a dozen mobile production units and support rigs on site at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas. NEP’s “SuperShooter CBS” consisting of four mobile units t…

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Wi-Fi Gets Wider With Wi-Fi 7 March 26th 2024 - 09:30 AM

The last 56k dialup modem I bought in 1998 cost more than double the price of a 28k modem, and the double bandwidth was worth the extra money. New Wi-Fi 7 devices are similarly premium-priced because early adaptation of leading-edge new technology is nearly always expensive. The 6 GHz Wi-Fi band was introduced…