Tech + Media Predictions 2021 - Part 2 January 13th 2021 - 09:00 AM

The industry experienced futureshock head-on in 2020. The impact will take a long time to unwind but it’s already clear that some changes will be profound and not all of them bad. In part 2 we look at what sports and sportscasters need to do to change the live experience to m…

Tech + Media Predictions 2021 - Part 1 January 4th 2021 - 09:00 AM

The industry experienced futureshock head-on in 2020. The impact will take a long time to unwind but it’s already clear that some changes will be profound and not all of them bad. These changes include remote workflow permanency, virtual production shifts from exotic to routine and genuine efforts to save t…

Presented In Cinemascope March 31st 2020 - 01:00 PM

Electronic camera manufacturers have spent – by some measures – something like the last twenty years trying to make digital cameras that shoot pictures that look like real movies. Now, they’re making cameras with larger and larger sensors, the better to simulate the sort of cameras that shot some of the great…

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Wi-Fi Gets Wider With Wi-Fi 7 March 26th 2024 - 09:30 AM

The last 56k dialup modem I bought in 1998 cost more than double the price of a 28k modem, and the double bandwidth was worth the extra money. New Wi-Fi 7 devices are similarly premium-priced because early adaptation of leading-edge new technology is nearly always expensive. The 6 GHz Wi-Fi band was introduced…