Brainstorm Neuron Goes HTML 5

Brainstorm announces a major update for Neuron, the company’s MOS-compatible, template-based system that integrates graphics creation and management into most common newsroom, continuity, and broadcast traffic operation environments, allowing users to integrate high-quality pre-defined 3D graphics to their workflow without the constant input from the Graphics Department. This major update includes full compatibility with HTML5, opening the door to make Neuron compatible with any web based NRCS applications.

The HTML5 support has been developed on top of the existing integrations of Neuron with common NRCS such as AP ENPS, Avid iNews, Octopus, Annova, Marsys, VSN News or Pebble Beach. Being now compatible with web-based NRCS, Brainstorm announces at NAB the integration with Octopus Newsroom, Etere Nunzio and SNEWS Arion, the first incorporations to a growing list of HTML5-compatible NRCS systems which can now benefit from Neuron’s powerful real-time 3D graphics management.

Thanks to the HTML5 integration, Etere and SNEWS users can seamlessly send and receive real-time Neuron graphics for the rundown through MOS objects. Users can preview the graphics from the same interface before adding them to the rundown. Moreover, real-time updates ensure they can easily navigate the rundown and access all linked graphics. Now, users can effortlessly integrate high-quality pre-defined 3D graphics into their workflow.

As this feature goes in line with the industry trends for NRCS, existing partners such as Octopus are already using HTML5 to integrate Neuron with their most advanced and updated product line, resulting in more opportunities for the end users to decide which technology to adopt, while opening the door to further workflow flexibility. This integration enables Octopus users to effortlessly send and receive graphics for their rundowns through MOS objects, significantly enhancing the efficiency and quality of news production. Within the Octopus interface, users can now preview graphics before incorporating them into the rundown, ensuring a seamless and error-free workflow. Real-time updates further facilitate navigation through the rundown seamlessly while accessing all linked graphics instantly.

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