LRT Protocol Launches On LiveU Cloud IP Live Video Production Service

LiveU has announced the launch of its new fully cloud-native IP live video production service, LiveU Studio, the first to natively support LRT (LiveU Reliable Transport). LiveU Studio is a fully scalable, SaaS solution, making it easy to create and distribute more live content across a myriad of digital media channels. LiveU Studio supports multiple IP video protocols and provides live switching, audio mixing, graphics, remote guest management, and one-click distribution to up to 30 different, simultaneous digital destinations.

The solution signifies a world-first approach to live production, leveraging the high quality, low latency LRT protocol across the entire workflow – from contribution and production to distribution.

LiveU Studio gives content creators a competitive advantage by meeting the growing demand for high-quality and engaging live content, while optimizing their existing resources. They can simply create, edit, and distribute shows from their browser anywhere via the intuitive web interface, and generate multiple revenue streams. Live feeds from the field, used for primary content, can be utilized to create engaging secondary content in a cost-effective, agile manner. Residing in the cloud, the service enables teams to work collaboratively on simultaneous projects worldwide, scaling up their capabilities to deliver more content while paying only for what they need.

LiveU Studio is built on the foundation of the platform, acquired by LiveU in 2022. Customers can stream from any LiveU device directly into the LiveU Studio without the need for a dedicated decoder. Other protocols and contribution encoders are also supported by LiveU Studio.

Part of the LiveU EcoSystem, LiveU Studio will be showcased at the 2023 NAB Show in Las Vegas.

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