Tieline Unveils Two New MPX Codecs

Tieline the Codec Company has announced it will unveil two new MPX codecs for the first time at NAB2023.

Tieline’s MPX I and MPX II codecs deliver composite FM multiplex (MPX) codec solutions for real-time network distribution of FM-MPX or MicroMPX (µMPX) signals to transmitter sites. The MPX I is ideal for transmitting a composite STL signal from a single station with return monitoring, whereas the Tieline MPX II can transport two discrete composite FM-MPX signals from the studio to transmitters with return monitoring. Both units support analog MPX on BNC, MPX over AES192, and multipoint signal distribution, to deliver a wide range of flexible composite encoder and decoder solutions for different applications.

The MPX I and MPX II support sending the full uncompressed FM signal, or high quality compressed µMPX at much lower bit-rates. An optional satellite tuner card with MPEG-TS and MPE support can receive DVB-S or DVB-S2 signals.

Sending transmission-ready FM composite signals from the studio allows broadcasters to maintain audio processing and RDS data insertion at the studio. This significantly reduces capital and operational costs by eliminating processing equipment from transmitter sites, which reduces on-site power consumption, wiring, and site visits for service and support.

Composite MPX over IP signals can be easily replicated and distributed using multicast and multi-unicast technologies and take advantage of rock solid redundancy features like redundant streaming, RIST, FEC, and automated SD card file failover.

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