Globecast Launches 100G Fibre Network In Europe

Globecast is significantly expanding its European fibre backbone – part of the company’s global fibre network GCBN – to 100G to satisfy bandwidth-heavy media transport including remote production.

It is working in partnership with Net Insight, using its technology at POPs and customer sites to ensure maximum quality via very low latency and the tight synchronisation of feeds, vital in edge processing for remote production.

Globecast is upgrading GCBN in Europe – specifically POPs in London, Frankfurt and Paris. Other regions will follow this soon. The company supplies a seamless, end-to-end service, including the first and last miles, which are architected on a case-by-case basis. Globecast connects the event site to GCBN and then delivers the feed(s) to whomever requires it, be that a physical remote production centre, into the cloud for remote production or any other processing, or direct to a broadcaster.

To ensure low latency and the tight synchronisation of feeds, Globecast is using Net Insight’s Nimbra 1060 core processing technology at relevant points in the network. With timing-awareness, different video feeds can be aligned in time upon delivery, enabling synchronised playout for use cases such as remote production and primary distribution. Furthermore, IP-based synchronisation using PTP can be extended over wide area networks, enabling distributed production or remote production in any location.

Globecast is also introducing the concept of Net Centres, which are points of presence at major international datacentres – initially in Paris and London – that operate alongside direct termination at a Globecast Media Centre. The Net Centres increase the options for customers at a very cost-effective price point.

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