mediaSaaS Joins Grass Valley’s Media Alliance

Developed by Grass Valley, this initiative is designed to enable the easy deployment of fully functional multi-vendor cloud solutions by pre-integrating third-party solutions with the Grass Valley AMPP platform.

mediaSaaS deploys in parallel with AMPP enabling additional functionality to be added, giving users the ability to create best-of-breed cloud workflows which are fully configurable to meet their requirements.

The GV Media Universe brings together a comprehensive ecosystem of tools and services that integrate seamlessly to provide a familiar working environment on the world’s most agile production and distribution platform, Grass Valley’s AMPP. The mediaSaaS platform receives AMPP messages which can be used to trigger workflows or processes, with AMPP updated as these are completed.

At IBC mediaSaaS will be demonstrating cloud recording of an SRT stream originated by AMPP, editing to produce highlights clips, auto QC and delivery of finished clips to an AMPP bucket ready for Playout.

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