Over our years in operation, the audio metering and monitoring business RTW has adapted to the technological trends and demands of different times.
From the then prevalent peak meters of the 1960s, 70s and 80s, the company has reacted to the changing needs of broadcasters and moved into loudness quantification, with the TouchMonitor range of products conforming to the various international and national standards and offering a range of tools for the production of consistent levels in programme sound.
RTW was founded as an audio equipment service provider but later became a developer of sound metering systems for broadcasting. Like other metering manufacturers, RTW has addressed the fundamental problem of relying solely on peak measurements - two soundtracks can measure the same but one can sound louder than the other due to compression or other factors - by producing devices that assess the average loudness of a signal to produce a normalised output that will not sound louder or quieter than other programme material.
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