IBC Leading IP (Featured / Editorial)
September 16th 2022 - 12:40 PM

IBC was a great success with well represented vendors and bustling halls. Admittedly the attendee numbers were reduced, and some halls were a little compressed. But the show had the IBC vibe and it’s fantastic to see the broadcast community returning to some normality, albeit with massive technological changes.

How AI Is Your AI? (Featured / Editorial)
August 22nd 2019 - 01:00 PM

I recently attended the Artificial Intelligence Summer School at the University of Surrey in the UK to hear some of the world’s leading experts in this field speak. As well as providing deeply technical insight into AI and its processes, some fascinating philosophical questions were raised, such as, who is responsible for a driverless car having an accident? The manufacturer? The software programmer? Or maybe the car itself?

Home Media Security (Featured / Editorial)
October 22nd 2020 - 09:00 AM

Although many broadcasters are now operating with skeleton services within their facilities, the necessity for home working has changed the operational landscape forever. With this in mind, and with home working not looking to change in the foreseeable future, what security considerations do we need to evaluate for our new way of working?

GPU COTS (Featured / Editorial)
July 10th 2020 - 08:45 AM

As more broadcasters are seeing the benefits that COTS equipment and services deliver, there are some emerging applications for GPUs that could improve IP infrastructures even more. But how will the development of GPUs affect our industry, and can we justifiably refer to them as COTS?