Essential Guide:  Hybrid CDN April 1st 2020 - 12:05 PM

OTT delivery continues to expand to meet the relentless growing consumer demand. This trend shows no chance of abating and technologists are continually looking to innovation to scale infrastructures accordingly. But what does it mean to scale OTT? Where is the infrastructure? And who owns it?

Essential Guide: Microservices For Broadcasters January 29th 2020 - 11:00 AM

Computer systems continue to dominate the landscape for broadcast innovation and the introduction of microservices is having a major impact on the way we think about software. This not only delivers improved productivity through more efficient workflow solutions for broadcasters, but also helps vendors to work more effectively to further…

Essential Guide: IP – A Practical Application June 27th 2019 - 10:00 AM

As broadcasters accelerate IP migration, we must move from a position of theory to that of practical application. Hybrid solutions to integrate SDI, AES, MADI, and IP will be needed for many years to come, even with green field sites, as broadcasters seek a steady and methodical transition.

Essential Guide:  OTT Monitoring Uncovered June 20th 2019 - 12:30 PM

OTT distribution is worlds apart from traditional unidirectional broadcasting in terms of its fundamental operation and viewing preferences. The internet is a rapidly expanding collection of service providers, many in direct competition, transferring broadcaster video and audio streams alongside many other types of often conflicting data.

Essential Guide: When to Virtualize IP May 9th 2019 - 10:30 AM

Moving to IP opens a whole plethora of options for broadcasters. Engineers often speak of the advantages of scalability and flexibility in IP systems. But IP systems take on many flavors, from on-prem to off-prem, private and public cloud. And then there is virtualization.

Essential Guide: Migrating to IP October 24th 2017 - 08:00 AM

The business case for migrating to IP is compelling and driven by the needs of business owners. Broadcast engineers must rise to the challenge and if they are to deliver reliable IP infrastructures they must understand not only the technology, but the differences in how IT-Network and Broadcast engineers think.