Is Gamma Still Needed?: Part 9 - Processing In Floating Point March 2nd 2021 - 09:00 AM

Floating-point notation and gamma are both techniques that trade precision for dynamic range. However they differ fundamentally. Gamma is a non-linear function whereas floating point remains linear. Any mathematical manipulations carried out on floating-point encoded data will be correct whereas manipulations of gamma-encoded luma cannot be. Gamma was intended to…

Tech + Media Predictions 2021 - Part 2 January 13th 2021 - 09:00 AM

The industry experienced futureshock head-on in 2020. The impact will take a long time to unwind but it’s already clear that some changes will be profound and not all of them bad. In part 2 we look at what sports and sportscasters need to do to change the live experience to m…